Sunday, September 24

The Never Acquired Art of Communication

For goodness sake my friends, how long is it going to take mankind and well womankind to learn to communicate with each other? Communication is not rocket science. It is stringing a bunch of words together to deliver a message. So why does it seem so complicated when we are forced to share our thoughts with each other.

In today's world the number of communicating tools is endless. We can email, text, phone video, blog, Facebook and the list goes on and on. Oh yeah, there is always the old fashioned talk to each other face-to-face method. Yet, we still get it wrong over and over...folks it is time to step up and express yourself!

If you want a general idea of how well you communicate you can take a short test at Queendom the land of tests on just about everything website. I found the results on my communication test remarkably accurate.

Do you think we have lost the skill of communication? Or have we simply filled our lives to overflow and adapted by finding the fastest way to get things done? Definitely worth thinking about...or maybe talking about?

The Never Acquired Art of Communication

For goodness sake my friends, how long is it going to take mankind and well womankind to learn to communicate with each other? Communication...